From field survey to georeferenced deliverable in 20 minutes
The field crew is autonomous from the earthwork to the repair work.
What is F3D ?
F3D is a comprehensive and versatile solution that carries out utilities survey from the earthwork to the plan. Each step is simplified and automated for maximum efficiency.
Utilities Georeferencing
Add-on "Data Capture"
Stakeout / Ground marking
Detection / Altimetric control
Add-on "I2D"
The site inventory app
Add-on "Augmented Reality"
Networks visualization
Data management on the online platform
- Delivarables storage - Online plan drawing - Measurments and volumes - Monitoring and follow up - Statistic analysis
F3D add-ons
Digital Twin
Utilities, street bodies, markings...
Why F3D ?
Efficiently georeference open trench utility networks
Centimetric accuracy
A multi-Constellation GNSS Antenna to ensure an accuracy up to the most requiring international standards.
For everyone
After a 15-minute training session, the field crew is autonomous to make a survey on site, without waiting for the Surveyor-Topographer.
Be more productive
From survey on site to deliverable, ready for drawing in 20 minutes Filling of the excavation in the stride
Time is money
Save time by simplifying your organization,
Don’t depend on anyone and always stay on schedule.
Turnkey, from survey to drawing
On site, let the field crew do the survey
At the office, access deliverables (orthophoto, 3D point cloud), draw your plans and analyze your activity
A versatile solution
Extension for implantation, marking-stapling and detection
Virtual reality extension, to visualize networks in real time