F3D at Molin & Fils: We don’t leave any more trench open at night

Guillaume Martinez, Team Leader at Molin TP.

Molin & Fils is a family-owned public works company specialised in water networks. Its teams have been using F3D since the beginning of 2020.

How does Molin & Fils use F3D and how has this solution been received by your teams?

My team and I knew how to use it right away, it’s in the truck and we use it systematically. The device is ergonomic and very easy to use.

What are the benefits of using F3D?

With F3D, we can backfill the trench as soon as the georeferencing is finished, without waiting for the topographer: now it is rare that we leave a trench open at night.

What if you had to sum up F3D in a few words?

FOUILLES 3D, that’s great!